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Free Macro Collections 2018 for CorelDraw

Macro for CorelDraw
Free Macro Collections 2018 For CorelDraw X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, CorelDraw 2017, CorelDraw 2018 yang berisi :

  1. Duplicator : For Duplicate Object or Duplicate "Page With Content"
  2.  TextReplace : For Replace Text In Active Selection, Active Page or All Pages with Custom Text Properties, and Can Replace Color. 
  3. ColorReplace : For Find and Replace Color Object, Or Replace Color Mode 
  4. PowerClipEdit : For Edit PowerClip Outside PowerClip 
  5. Tiling Object : For Duplicate and Tilng Object
  6. OptimizeObjectInPrintingArea : For Generate Max Of Combination Object to Save Print Area (Paper) 
  7. RandomColor : To Generate Random Color 
  8. Numorator : For Generate Numorator (Number Counter) 
  9. Thumbnailer : For Generate Thumnail from Diractory (Support *.*, jpg, .cdr, .bmp etc) 
  10. And More.... :) 
All Pack It's Free. #GRAFISin.com
Review & Tutorial : https://youtu.be/MfmKADoF_UY

Link Download 

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